Hey everyone!
You are to go to this site:
and choose 2 figures to draw.
• It should be a full figure with hands and feet in the image.
• Drawn on good quality drawing paper
• the image( not just the paper) should be at least 9x14"
• Use a medium you feel comfortable with
• Pay close attention to hands, feet and the construction of the head( use the sheets I've given you for construction or consult anatomy books)
• remember to start the drawing with a gesture, build up the structure using beans, build the mannequin and finally render the final drawing.
• Give yourself a border to draw within for composition
• The final drawing can be in any medium you choose.
• Put your name on the drawing
I will be collecting the drawings at the next class.
Bring in three different colored pencils and drawing paper( and ink if you like) this week.