Monday, February 18, 2019

Drawing assignment #4    Watch this video and do 3 drawings on large paper 12 x 18 or up from the reference. Also, remember to keep drawing ten hands per week. You need 100 at the end of the semester.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Assignment #3 MOdels

Assignment #3

This week the homework is:

1. Draw ten more hands
2. Print out 3 of these models( or any from last email) at 8.5 x 11
3. draw construction( tube) lines over the drawing to show major forms and their directions( tubes over arms/legs/torso etc.) 
4. do a final drawing of the figures  following the process outlined in class( Gesture, Construct figure, measure anatomy. Include entire figure head to foot and make sure to use all the different techniques to help you along. Remember to really find the flow of the figure in the gesture. Look closely at the proportions, work with the beans and boxes so you can construct the figure. Find the terminal line and use that to decide which planes are coming toward or moving away from you.